June 2, 2011 | Celeb Watch

Miley Cyrus versus Urban Outfitters

Urban Outfitter CEO accused of being homophobicPop star Miley Cyrus wants her gay fans to know that she has our backs! And it all went down on Twitter.

Initially Cyrus was chiming in on a claim that Urban Outfitters was stealing ideas from non-company artists. Etsy designer Stevie Koerner complained that the store used her design for a state-shaped jewelry pendant, and then sold a similar item at a huge discount.  The pop star sided with the designer, and then extended her attack on the company over its founder's support for anti-gay politicians.

Her tweet said, “Love that everybody is hating on Urban Outiftters ... not only do they steal from artists but every time you give them money you help finance a campaign against gay equality. #SHADYASHELL.”

The teen pop queen went on to point out that Richard Hayne donated $13,000 to Rick Santorum’s Political Action Committee – and quoted the right-wing politician’s belief that “If we allow gay marriage, next thing you know people will be marrying goldfish.” (Preposterous! Gay men prefer Angel Fish!) Santorum recently got peed on by a dog.

Urban Outfitters addressed accusations of creative theft, explaining that similar designs existed on Etsy for almost a year before Koerner offered them. It has remained mum on the gay issue. Hmmmm.

Miley Cyrus criticizes Urban Outfitters, defends gay rights [LGBT Weekly]

Urban Outfitters strikes back against copycat allegations [Washington Post]

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