May 27, 2011 | Celeb Watch

Sir Ian McKellan versus Moscow's mayor

Ian McKellan as MagnetoSir Ian McKellan has issued a statement calling Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin a coward for not allowing a gay Pride march in the city. 

Activists still plan to gather this Saturday, but authorities have banned the event and will not provide protection against thugs. Police may be there, but will more likely target gay marchers than homophobes.

McKellan said: "The mayor of Moscow is a coward. Rather than face the fact that Muscovite gays and lesbians should be valued on a par with their straight peers, he panders to the right wing. He throws them some red meat, some gays, to gnaw on.

“In the 1980s, Mrs Thatcher once did the same in the United Kingdom but she was eventually defeated totally by the efforts of gay people, their families and friends, who joined together to fight injustice.

“I send my heart-felt support for your bravery in marching on 28 May in the land of Tchaikovsky, Diaghilev and Nureyev. Good luck.”

Don't make McKellan angry. You won't like it when he's angry.

McKellan Calls Moscow Mayor a Coward [The Advocate]

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