March 2, 2011 | Celeb Watch

Best part of the Oscars wasn't shown

On Sunday night, the Academy Awards were handed out to the best of the best in film. Sadly, the same level of quality was missing in the actual ceremony. It was, by most accounts, a total snorefest.

There was one moment that would have stood out. It would have had lefties laughing and righties raging. It might have resulted in a few trouser tents. But alas, it was not meant to be.

When actors Javier Bardem and Josh Brolin came out on stage to present the Oscars for Best Adapted Screenplay and Best Original Screenplay they did a little dance together. That, alone, was too much as the image on our TV screens quickly changed to a shot of Penelope Cruz.

What we missed: the two men kissing. Yes, Brolin and Bardem danced some more and then locked lips. 

When asked about the cut away, ABC had no comment. Obviously ABC hates men in white suits.

Oscars 2011: winners and awards ceremony in pictures [The Telegraph]

Javier Bardem and Josh Brolin Danced and Kissed at Oscars [After Elton]

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