February 8, 2011 | Celeb Watch

Pro hockey player will help young jocks come out

New York Rangers forward Sean Avery on his support for gay playersWe've always thought New York Rangers forward Sean Avery was hot. His recent declaration in support of gay players has made him even hotter.

Avery explained that he would support any player who felt intimidated about coming out.

"If there's a kid in Canada or wherever, who is playing and really loves the game and wants to keep playing but he's worried about coming out, I'd tell him to pick up the phone and call (NHLPA executive director) Donald Fehr and tell him to book me a (plane) ticket," he said.

"I'll stand beside him in the dressing room while he tells his teammates he is gay. Maybe if Sean Avery is there, they would have less of a problem with it."

Avery is sure there are gay players in the NHL, though no one is likely to come out soon. " I don't know if somebody has the courage (to come out)," he said. "The reaction from fans in visiting arenas would be tough, but I don't think it would be that big a deal. I get booed no matter where I go."

We will never boo you Sean. Never, ever, ever.

Avery would support a gay player [Toronto Sun]

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