The news of Reese Rideout's profile in the most recent U.K. issue of Marie Claire has been circulating through the gay blogosphere for the past week or so, and finally the details of the interview are coming out.
The openly gay-for-pay porn star joined his wife Becki to talk about their comfort level with his career choice.
"His focus is gay porn, which, despite what people think, I'm more comfortable with," Beckie explained. "I can accept him being with other men more easily than other women."
Of course, she admitted, the money in gay porn helps.
"He got into it after he was offered $1,500 simply to masturbate on a gay website called," she explained. "Straight porn only pays men $300 a scene, but gay porn pays up to five times as much."
Reese, named Nick in the article, added, "I can have sex at work without thinking about the other person because I'm genuinely straight. But gay sex is tough if you're straight. The first time I shot a scene with another man, it was oral sex, and I couldn't keep it up because I wasn't turned on. Now I watch footage of women or think about Becki when I'm filming."
Or you could just close your eyes and think of England.
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