August 25, 2009 | Celeb Watch

Hotter than Susan Boyle

Danyl JohnsonThe latest British reality TV superstar is a hot young man named Danyl Johnson. The 27-year-old dance and drama teacher is competing in an American Idol type show in Britain called X Factor and he's kinda like our own Adam Lambert. Well, except that Danyl is totally open about his sexuality.

He said: “I don’t like to conform or be put into one box or another and if I’m honest all the judges are good-looking. If I like someone’s personality it doesn’t really matter what they look like or what sex they are."

He wowed the audience, and the judges, with his version of 'With A Little Help From My Friends.' (Check it out here.)

Danyl is a natural showman, but as far as being a good partner? “I’m a pretty rubbish boyfriend," he admitted. And he's not looking to date anyone, boy or girl, while competing. ““I’m 27 so it’s not like this is my last chance, but at the same time it’s pretty close to it. I don’t want anything to get in the way and there is plenty of time to meet the person of my dreams."

Yes indeed; we'll wait for ya, baby!

X Factor star Danyl Johnson fancies Cheryl, Dannii and...Simon [The Mirror]

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