August 14, 2009 | Celeb Watch

Non-shocker: Stewie is one of us

Stewie from Family Guy is gayA football headed braniac with a hate on for his mother has been outed. 'Family Guy' creator, Seth MacFarlane, admitted that Stewie is gay.

"We had an episode that went all the way to the script phase in which Stewie does come out,” MacFarlane told Playboy magazine. “It had to do with the harassment he took from other kids at school. He ends up going back in time to prevent a passage in Leviticus from being written: ‘Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind. It is an abomination.’

"But we decided it’s better to keep it vague, which makes more sense because he’s a 1-year-old. Ultimately, Stewie will be gay or a very unhappy repressed heterosexual. It also explains why he’s so hellbent on killing [his mother, Lois] and taking over the world: He has a lot of aggression, which comes from confusion and uncertainty about his orientation."

Now if we could only get a statement from Bert and Ernie ...

Seth MacFarlane Says Stewie is Gay. Yeah, And? []

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