August 5, 2009 | Celeb Watch

Thai boxer in trouble for posing for gay mag

Thai boxer Worapoj PetchkoomThai boxer, Worapoj Petchkoom, is being criticized for posing in his underwear for the cover of gay magazine, Stage. Boxing officials are threatening him with a year-long ban for his 'inapproproate' behavior.

Petchkoom, 28, denied he knew the magazine was gay. "I thought it was an honour to be invited to grace the cover of a magazine on its third anniversary. I became sceptical when I was told to wear just underpants. They said everything was going to be okay because it would show my abdomen muscles."

When he complained, the evil gays said he'd have to pay compensation for breaking the nasty and evil gay contract. And he claimed the ban resulting from the pics could dash his hopes of competing for Thailand in the 2012 Olympics, because, we assume, he'd be too distraught to train. Bad gays!

Maybe, just maybe, you should pick up a copy of the magazine you're posing for before you agree to a photoshoot.

Should Posing For a Gay Mag In Your Undies Get You Banned From the Olympics? [Queerty]

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