June 26, 2009 | Celeb Watch

No one wants Perez Hilton's money

Perez HiltonAfter all that hullabaloo between Perez Hilton and will.i.am from the Black Eyed Peas, Perez finally admitted he was wrong using the word 'faggot' as a way to antagonize another person. It got him punhced in the head (not good) and resulted in a lot of criticism about Perez' choice of words.

Perez apologized for his comments and offered to give any money he received from the lawsuit he filed against the Black Eyed Peas' manager (the man who allegedly punched him) to the Matthew Shepard Foundation.

"We do not know the details of the lawsuit, whether it has been filed, the nature of his claims or the likely outcome," said Judy Shepard in a statement. "But because the lawsuit presumably involves the physical attack prompted by Mr. Hilton's admitted use of an anti-gay slur, the Foundation will be unable to accept any funds obtained in such a manner."

You know you're not loved when charity won't even touch your money.

Shepard Foundation Won't Take Perez's Money [The Advocate]

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