June 23, 2009 | Celeb Watch

CNN reporter back after park incident

Richard QuestRichard Quest, that cute in a nerdy way CNN reporter, has been called many things: gay and Jewish, by himself; “park-cruising meth-head” by the lovely people at Gawker.

Both may be accurate, since it was last April when Quest was found in Central Park early one morning, carrying drugs while wearing a rope around his neck (tied to his cock and balls).

“What can one say?” Quest recently said while promoting his new CNN show 'Quest Means Business.' "It was what it was.

“Everyone wants to know the inside story of the event last year and I'm saying quite clearly that those that will know the inside story will be my close family and no one else," Quest continued. "That's not because I'm hiding anything. I'm just not about to reveal or discuss my innermost thoughts. All I would say on the subject, besides the standard line that it was a highly regrettable incident, is that nothing is as it seems - and certainly not the way it was reported at the time."

True, it's usually much worse.

Gay CNN presenter Richard Quest on his comeback after that embarrassing park incident [PinkNews]

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