June 12, 2009 | Celeb Watch

It's a boy!

Chaz BonoChastity Bono is now Chaz Bono. The 40-year-old writer and activist - and Cher's daughter - came out as a lesbian 20 years ago. However, the confession hid a deeper truth and Bono has decided to fully transition from a woman to a man in order to best reflect who he is as a person.

A spokeman said of Chaz' decision: "(he) has made the courageous decision to honor his true identity."

Publicist Howard Bragman added that Bono was very proud of the decision - a process he started over a year ago - and hoped "that his choice to transition will open the hearts and minds of the public regarding this issue."

Who cares what the public thinks! Celebrate who you are, Chaz!

Cher's Daughter Chastity Announces Plan to Become a Man [ABC News]

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