May 22, 2009 | Celeb Watch

Soap star storms off set over gay kiss

Chris EngenThe Young and the Restless star Chris Engen wasn't happy when he read that his character, a very “straight” Adam Wilson, kisses Yani Gellman's very gay character Rafe Torres. Engen, still under contract, actually walked of the set and refused to go through with the scene.

Rumor is that Engen was unhappy with the "dark direction" his character was taking recently. The kiss was the proverbial straw that broke the straight camel's back. is reporting that Engen's issue with the kiss should not come as much of a surprise. Engen graduated from Bishop Montgomery High School in Torrance, California and still has connections with the Catholic school.

Michael Muhney has agreed to take over the roll in Engen's absence. If only we could replace our boyfriend so easily.

Y&R Star Walks Over Gay Kiss [The Advocate]

Young and the Restless star walks off set [TBtv]

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