Steve Cruz has been named NakedSwordsMan 2009 by NakedSword.
"Each year’s NakedSwordsMan highlights a member favorite who represents the very best of the electric, sex-hungry performances that fill their porn catalogue," said NakedSword in a press release. "The 36-year-old Raging Stallion exclusive is no stranger to awards: In 2008 Cruz was named Raging Stallion’s Man of the Year, and his passionate appearance in Link: the Evolution earned him a Best Group Scene at the 2008 GayVN Awards."
"Steve Cruz is a triple-threat," added Tim Valenti, NakedSword CEO. "He is a passionate performer, an influential health advocate and a talented director. His outreach campaign makes us proud, his performances make us weak in the knees, and his new titles for Mustang are among the best videos being released right now."
Cruz’s first appearance as NakedSwordsMan will be at the CyberSocket Awards on February 9th in Los Angeles.
"It feels great to be appointed the title," Cruz told BananaGuide. "Together we will be producing the Steve Cruz condom, funded by Naked Sword which I will be giving away at events and sex clubs all year."
We asked if he had other plans for the coming year. "I'd also like to produce some new entertainment ideas for Naked Sword, now that I direct for Falcon... there is much I can do to facilitate a few good ideas I have up my sleeve. Keep posted!"
Recognition well deserved!
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