August 25, 2008 | Celeb Watch

Janice Dickinson all for gay porn

Martin Ritchie in the 'Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency' has appeared in gay pornThe newest season of “The Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency,” which debuts August 26 on the Oxygen cable channel, has as one of its stars an openly gay former porn actor.

The model, Martin Ritchie, appeared as “Pauly” on and  'York' for

This isn't the first time the show has flirted with members of the adult industry. Last season Rodrigo de Carli's gay porn work for Rascal Video (as 'Claudio Martin') was exposed. De Carli has since returned to porn, joining Lucas Entertainment.

"I don’t have a problem with gay porn," said Janice Dickinson in an interview with HX. "What’s wrong with gay porn? It allows people to encapsulate what their fantasies are. Is that so bad?

"I think Rodrigo [de Carli] had other issues that were far too severe, which is the reason he’s not with the agency anymore; I’m not going to go into depth about it, but he knows what they are. As far as him having a colorful past? Look, as long as you don’t sodomize children, this is the United States of America — the Fifth Amendment, Larry Flynt, yes! I see nothing wrong with gay porn.”

Obama should have considered Dickinson as his running mate. Just saying ...

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