July 18, 2008 | Celeb Watch

"Design Star" suspended from cop job

Mikey Verdugo being investigated by his department for appearing in a 1996 police videoMikey Verdugo, the contestant on HGTV's "Design Star" who appeared in a gay bondage video, has been suspended (with pay) from his job as a Hollywood, Florida police officer. Internal Affairs is currently looking into whether or not he had a starring role in the 1996 porn film "Rope Rituals," according to Hollywood Police Spokesman Lt. Manny Marino.

Jack Shamama, editor of GayPornBlog.com, broke the story but didn't think the news would affect Verdugo's career.

"I feel badly about the possibility of him being fired," said Shamama, "but being in a porno isn't a crime and isn't something to be ashamed about. We didn't out a random police officer, we reported on someone who was entering the public arena through a reality television show ... This whole affair has my stomach tied up in knots."

Verdugo has remained mum on the whole affair, neither admitting nor denying his role in the video. He seems to be moving in a different direction if his website is any indication, taking a serious stab at home staging and design. Hmmm, our dungeon is looking a little dated ...

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