July 11, 2008 | Celeb Watch

TV design host turns to porn

Lee Snijders leaves behind design for porn Lee Snijders, former host of HGTV's "Design on a Dime," has given up on dreams of on camera stardom for a gig behind the scenes of his own porn company

"I tried to continue my relationship with HGTV by pitching them show ideas, et cetera, but unfortunately they were not interested and the company did not renew my contract," Snijders explained. "I found myself auditioning for design shows with models and actors posing as designers while my competitors got their own shows on HGTV. With the housing market crash and being stereotyped as a budget designer, I stayed flexible, open minded and moved on."

Snijders will be working with his girlfriend Jett Angel on the adult website Goth Rock Girls, the first property from their new company Exxxcel Inc. 

"One morning over breakfast, Lee and I were discussing how frustrated he was with his situation," said Angel, who worked as a high-end fashion photographer. "I said to him, ‘You know production, I know photography, let's shoot porn.'"

And the best part: he can make the sets in under 2 days for less than $1000.

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