February 25, 2008 | The Biz

Survey reveals HIV not talked about on set

HIV and AIDS not talked much on set of porn shoots100 gay adult performers were surveyed by the Sword to get a handle on the industry's approach to HIV and AIDS screening. And though 30 percent of adult models either acknowledged they were HIV-positive or didn't even know their HIV status, the issue of STDs is rarely discussed with potential partners.

The informal survey found that actors felt "awkward" bringing up the topic of HIV, opting instead to avoid the issue altogether so as not to "offend anyone." Others were even told to "keep quiet about it."

"While knowledge of issues regarding HIV-positive models is a concern on the production side of the business, it seems that it isn't always being communicated to the models," said Michael Stabile, editor of The Sword. "In comments we received in association with the survey, it was clear that many models feel pressure, whether real or imagined, to keep their status private. Others feel that they can't ask about partners."

This seems to reflect how the general public handles the issue with their sex partners. A study by the Gay Times (UK) found that up to 40% of men are simply guessing when they claim to know their partner's HIV status.

"I really wish that the HIV status of the people I was working with was disclosed to me before working with them," said one performer . "I have been on shoots where, afterwards, I was told by someone else that my partner was positive.

"I feel that I'm almost being betrayed by the company that I am signed with because I feel like information like that is important to my health. It's times like that that make me wonder if the studio that is supposed to be my family really cares about me."

Another terrible example of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

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