June 22, 2022 | Porn Stars

Banana Guy for June: Beau Butler

Beau Butler

Beau Butler is the sexy guy next door. He's hot, but approachable. With that cock and body and ass and muscles and super sexy smile, he is the complete package!

He's also an award-winning performer, taking home the 2022 Grabby for Best Actor, 2022 Thirst Trap King of the Year (Str8UpGay Porn Award), 2022 GayVN for Favourite Bear and a 2021 Fleshbot for Best Ass.

Beau Butler porn

When it comes to what makes Beau stand out, a Falcon Studios rep said it best:

"With an athletic, muscled, 5’9 frame dusted with body hair, Beau weighs in at 180 pounds. This strikingly handsome, scruffy, blue-eyed stud packs a punch and delivers exceptional performances. Beau is a versatile performer with an unstoppable cock and an insatiable ass."

Andre Donovan, Beau Butler, Pheonix Fellington - Raging Stallion

Andre Donovan, Beau Butler, Pheonix Fellington - Raging Stallion

How did he get into porn?

"So I started with a fan site about 7 months ago," he shared with Queer Me Now. "Somebody said 'hey, I want to collaborate with you on one of my videos. I have a big popular fansite.' And [...] I always wanted to do that, so I did it. I tested it out. I really liked the way it looked and I just decided to make the jump [into porn]."

Romeo Davis rails Beau Butler - Raging Stallion

Romeo Davis rails Beau Butler - Raging Stallion

He admitted to Fleshbot that his view on porn changed after he started working in the industry.

"Oh wow so much. My perspective on performers has changed the most. I am so positively surprised by how many supportive, positive, and giving people I have met. I imagined it to be competitive, but it’s actually a very supportive community."

Chris Damned gives it to Beau Butler - Next Door Studios

Chris Damned gives it to Beau Butler - Next Door Studios

He also shared with Fleshbot his tip for tops: "I’m so glad someone finally asked: find the right angle. If you feel your bottom shift just go with it because they are most likely angling their hole so you hit the spot. At least that’s what I do!"

And for bottoms? "Arch that back baby."

Beau Butler, Tristan Hunter, Zario Travezz - Falcon Studios

Beau Butler, Tristan Hunter, Zario Travezz - Falcon Studios

He shoots both for major studios and for his own fansite. The difference?

"Home videos probably take from start to finish an hour," he said in his Queer Me Now interview. "That's like a good video. Sometimes they take 20 minutes. Obviously if you're bottoming it's like an hour before that too.

"But, studio work ... I start my day at 6am. I get there about 9. There's stills. There's B-roll. Then there's sex. ... it's a whole production, which is what I love about it. I love lights, camera, action."

Alpha Wolfe, Beau Butler, Chris Damned, Isaac X - Raging Stallion

Alpha Wolfe, Beau Butler, Chris Damned, Isaac X - Ragion Stallion

He also spoke with The Gay Goods about becoming sober.

"I hit a point when I was about 25-years-old where I couldn't go a day without a drink or using drugs. ... I just became a total hot mess.

"I went into a detox, and then I just did what people told me to do to stay sober."

Austin Avery, Beau Butler, Cole Connor, Isaac X, Jake Nicola, Lucca Mazzi, Max Konnor, Reign - Raging Stallion

Austin Avery, Beau Butler, Cole Connor, Isaac X, Jake Nicola, Lucca Mazzi, Max Konnor, Reign - Raging Stallion

And what does he want most from the biz?

"I want longevity," he told Fleshbot. "Obviously as a model, but I also want to figure out a way to transition into a different department when the time comes."

Beau Butler bottoms for Diego Sans - Naked Sword

Beau Butler bottoms for Diego Sans - Naked Sword

To find our more about Beau Butler:
 - Check out all his galleries here!
 - Follow him on Twitter and Instagram and TikTok.
 - Look him up on OnlyFans or JustFor.Fans.

External interview sources:
  - Fleshbot
  - QueerMeNow
  - The Gay Goods
  - XBiz

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