If you want to keep your partner interested in exploring your pubic region, a recent survey suggested that keeping the area trimmed is a good idea.
The study was from Save.Health and it surveyed 1,207 people; 11 per cent were queer men and 11 per cent were queer women. Almost 58 per cent of these said that they found men who kept their pubic hair groomed are more sexually attractive. And just over half -- 51 percent -- revealed they would avoid sex with an ungroomed buddy.
“With Pride Month quickly approaching on Monday, my team wanted to explore a light-hearted, yet slightly taboo topic," explained Skyler Acevedo, a member of the creative team for Save.Health. “We decided to survey 1,000+ individuals of various sexual orientations to see how their private grooming habits and partner preferences differ.
“We were most interested to see how personal grooming correlates with relationship satisfaction, and that it can be a dating deal-breaker across all orientations.”
This doesn't mean you gotta keep things shaved. You just have to keep them looking like you are taking care of them. Only five per cent of gay men said they were totally shaved; 69 per cent revealed they had “a little or moderate amount of hair."
You can also try to keep things interesting by braiding your pubes or adding a cute little hat.
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