July 21, 2019 | Hotties

Vote: Which "senior citizen" Jonas brother is hottest?

In a sign of the end times, our normally youth obsessed culture is suddenly desperate to get old, and grey, and wrinkled.

FaceApp is all over the news with its "old age" feature. It takes your image and makes it look, well, older. Fun!

The app does more, such as adding facial hair to changing genders.
But there are issues about the "free" app and what it is really costing users. Its terms of use include granting the rights to reproduce, modify, publish and share photos and other user content.
"Most apps are really bad, there's no question. But this one captures your facial image, it's the most sensitive information out there," said privacy expert Ann Cavoukian. "You don't want this compromised and used in ways that you never intended."
Still, people are having fun with it. One picture that caught our attention: the Jonas Brothers -- Kevin, Joe and Nick -- as old men.
older Jonas Brothers

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