March 3, 2019 | Celeb Watch

Ian McKellen sorry for "careless" comments on sexual abuse

Sir Ian McKellenIan McKellen is walking back comments he made about how being in the closet makes some gay men sexual predators.
The controversy started during an appearance on the #QueerAF podcast on February 23rd.
When asked about the #MeToo movement and people like Bryan Singer and Kevin Spacey -- both former Hollywood darlings who were brought down by accusations of sexually assaulting other men and boys -- McKellen really put his foot in his mouth.
"[...] with the couple of names you’ve mentioned, people I’ve worked with, both of them were in the closet. And hence all their problems as people and their relationships with other people, if they had been able to be open about themselves and their desires, they wouldn’t have started abusing people in the way they’ve been accused"
It didn't take long before people on social media started to call out the actor, arguing that the men were just predators and being in the closet was not to blame.
McKellen has now released an apology:
As part of an extended podcast recently, I suggested that if closeted people were instead open about their sexuality they wouldn’t abuse others. That, of course, is wrong.
My intention was to encourage the LGBT audience I was addressing, to be proud and open about their sexuality. In doing so, my point was clumsily expressed. I would never, ever trivialise or condone abuse of any kind.
I deeply regret my careless remarks and apologise unreservedly for any distress I caused.
When it comes to abuse by people in positions of power, the correct response is clear. The accusers must be heard and the accused given the opportunity to clear their names. If the accusations prove credible, the abuser’s access to power should be removed.
It is unlikely McKellen was trying to excuse any bad behavior. Most likely he was, awkwardly, trying to point out how being stuck in the closet can really fuck people up. And that is sadly very true.

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