August 18, 2017 | Sex & Society

Man caught orally servicing, and stealing from, passed out drunk

Blow job thief
A man in Guangxi, China, was arrested last weekend after finding another man unconscious, sucking his cock, and then stealing the drunken man's phone and wallet.
A’Jun (not his real name) woke up to discover his pants undone and his possessions gone. He contacted police, and thanks to some surveillance cameras, they saw exactly what happened.
In the video, A’Jun can be seen falling asleep on the bench; a man walks up to him and gives him a blow job. A’Jun does not wake up.
Police located the suspect at a hotel not far from the bench and arrested him. He claimed he did it because he found A’Jun attractive. He said he took 600 yuan and tossed the wallet, but kept the man's ID as a memento.
China criminalized male rape in 2015. The alleged assailant faces up to five years in prison if convicted.
This kind of scene only works in porn; it is not meant to be acted out in real life!

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