December 24, 2013 | Sex & Society

You can marry in Utah ... but hurry

On Friday, a federal court in Utah held that marriage discrimination against same-sex couples violates the Constitution. And on Monday the judge in the case refused to stay the decision until it could be appealed.
That means same-sex couples can legally marry in Utah. We have to giggle at the thought of all those Mormons twisting themselves into knots over this, especially the ones who helped fund the anti-equality referendum, Prop-8, in California. 
But this will be another protracted battle and it is very likely that the conservative US Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit will stay the decision until the Supreme Court has its say.  
So if you're in love and in Utah - and you actually want to enter into a marriage contract - here's your surprise Christmas present.  
5 ways the Utah marriage equality case could play out once it reaches the Supreme Court [Think Progress]

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